Friday, August 27, 2010


Andrew Came!

It was a quick visit, but a fun one! Can't wait till he comes back.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


It's been a while since my last post, so here's a little update on what we've been up to!

My mom and I signed up for a ceramics class this fall! Since there are so many old people here, they have a lot of awesome adult education classes. It was hard to pick just one for this semester!

The whole family volunteered at our church's VBS. My dad was on the photography team, and my mom and I were on the decorations team and the craft team. We were able to help out the Saturday before too, so we got to see some of the amazing set being built/painted. The Kings Crew (a group of retirees who volunteer every week at the church) built it! It looked so amazing when it was done. All in all it was a really successful and fun week.

Today is my dad's birthday! We celebrated by having dinner at the Olde Port Inn in Avila Beach. It's on the end of the pier, so after dinner we watched the sea lions and had delicious baked goods from our new favorite bakery, Eclairs! Yum! We also went to see Dinner for Schmucks... not great, but it wasn't terrible.

Caroline spent a couple days with us! While she was here we were able to go to Hearst Castle. It really was so beautiful!

And we've been house hunting! We can't seem to find anything like the above picture though :) In all honesty, I think house hunting is really fun. We've seen some crazy houses! We saw a 5 story house, we've seen life sized angels painted on the walls, and plenty of hideous wall paper and murals!

We're now preparing for more guests. I think we have 3 more guests this month. Can't wait!