It's finally that time of year! Time for our fall road trip. My mom, my grandparents and I will be doing a west coast/middle America road trip this year instead of our usual east coast jaunt. We're getting ready to blast some John Denver and see America! Here is our itinerary:
Day One:
Drive from Cerritos to Flagstaff, AZ
Day Two:
Enjoying the incredible Grand Canyon
Day Three:
Drive to Santa Fe & enjoy the southwestern food
Day Four:
Explore the Plaza in Santa Fe. Drive to Colorado Springs
Day Five:
Whit's End! If I can pull myself away from Whit's End we will also go to Garden of the God's and have dinner at the Broadmoor.
Day Six:
Explore Denver. Drive to Boulder and tour Celestial Seasonings (can you tell who planned this part of the trip) and explore Rocky Mountain National Park.
Day Seven:
Drive through Cheyenne Wyoming.
Day Eight:
End up in Nebraska! Explore the Bohemian Alps & shop the "Junk Jaunt" (300 miles of treasure hunting!). Stalk Grandpa's favorite author.
Day Nine:
Lou's Legendary Marble Factory Tour. World's Largest Porch Swing. Drive to Red Cloud to tour Willa Cather's home & walk the "last of the American prairie"
Day Ten:
Head back to Golden Colorado.
Day Eleven:
Drive through the Rocky Mountains.
Day Twelve:
Drive to Utah. Go to Arches National Park.
Day Thirteen:
Head home.
As you can see, this is a very random vacation. It all started with my grandpa reading a book by a Nebraskan author. In the book, the author gives directions to his house. So we decided to see if we can find this guy. Along the way they are letting me stop in my favorite state, Colorado! It's going to be weird, but family road trips are ALWAYS fun!