Sunday, September 5, 2010

World's Largest...

We've been gearing up for our fall road trip. My grandpa has wanted to go to Nebraska for a while now (he grew up there, and wants to visit one of his favorite authors), so we decided to turn it into a road trip. We're hitting the Grand Canyon, New Mexico, and my favorite - Colorado! We've found some really fun stuff to do all through the trip, except when we are in Nebraska. Literally, the most exciting thing we have found thus far is the world's largest porch swing (which we will of course go see!). It got me curious about other "world's largest" things. Here are some of my favorites... I think I might have to have a life goal of visiting these.

World's Largest Yogurt Container - Dubai

World's Largest Loaf of Bread - Urbana, Ohio

World's Largest Bike - Germany
World's Largest Badger - Wisconsin

World's Largest Artichoke - Castroville, CA


{shelly} said...

ooooooh i cannot WAIT to see your picture on the world's largest porch swing. that is EPIC!

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