Thursday, October 21, 2010

Back to School!

Well, our first ceramics class was a success! When we arrived at the class our teacher told us that it wasn't actually a class, but more of studio time. It was kinda scary at first because I haven't worked with clay since I was in 8th grade, but then I realized that it would allow for some real creativity! We listened to 70's music and just played around with the clay for 3 hours... I destroyed most of the things I created, but I came away with a small pinch pot and my mom and I did a collaborative effort ( I'll post pics later!). Now let's talk about the other people in the class. The average age of the students is about 65... I'm getting used to being the youngest in the room by like 30 years. Most of them have been in the class for several sessions, so they are old pro's, but they were so welcoming. There were only 4 of us newbies. One of the newbies chomped her gum the WHOLE time, but the other one is my new bestie, Mary. Mary is probably about 90 years old. She can't really hear, so you have to yell when you talk to her. She is the sweetest lady in the world. Love her! I can't wait to continue to create and learn... hopefully I won't sit next to the gum chomper next week.


{shell} said...

ok i am in LOVE with this post. WHY am i NOT surprised that you fell in love with a 90 yr. old lady! hahaha! SO TYPICAL GAN! and that you hate the gum least it wasn't her breathing that bothered you. haha! amazing!

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